Order Julie Slick's new album and receive 3 tracks available for download immediately after purchase. Below is a preview of the artwork, tracklisting, and high resolution desktop wallpapers available for download. This is an eco-wallet CD case design with artwork on the inside and on the CD itself, but you won't get to see it unless you order!


Desktop Wallpapers are available for download in the following sizes:
1024 x 640 1152 x 720 1280 x 800 1440 x 900

Julie Slick Album Pre-Order

Ships within 1 week of purchase.

U.S. Shipping Rate: $3 per order (price included)
International Shipping Rate: $10 (price included)

*If ordering an autographed copy, you can have it personalized by including a specific note for Julie as to who to make it out to during the checkout process.